What is an asynchronous motor?

 It should be noted that the important feature of these motors is that they have a small starting current and the maximum output torque of these motors is directly related to the rotor resistance and the rotor resistance can be increased by adding the external resistance between the loops.  The slip is reduced and it can be concluded that if you need more slip and torque at low speeds can be achieved through this method. 

 It should be noted that when the motor reaches its maximum speed, the capacitors in the external circuit can be taken out of the circuit, which makes you achieve a standard induction motor.  It should be noted that to produce 60% of the torque in the steady state, these screws should be shortened and then the motor should be started, but it should be noted that this method causes a high current to pass through the motor in the stop mode and due to the current passing.  

This method is not used in motor above, but if you want to balance the torque speed, the resistors in the rotor can be changed and this method can be used as an alternative method. 

Almost all AC induction motors are of this type.  In general, this type of rotor consists of a cylinder mounted on a shaft.  The rotor cylinder in squirrel cage motors has longitudinal grooves mounted next to each other with the same distance and depth, which are completed with a type of conductor that is mainly made of aluminum or copper, and these grooves are at the beginning and end.  The rotors are connected to each other and to reduce the eddy current of the core in these motors, sheet metal has been used.

  When starting, these motors generate magnet poles with an electric current that passes through the windings in the stator grooves.  The electrical behavior of the rotor varies somewhat, and the rotating magnetic field of the stator produces a voltage in the squirrel cage that causes the electric current in the cage to move, creating poles opposite the output poles mentioned above.  Slow and mechanical torque in the motor due to the interaction between the stator and rotor fields

It is necessary to state two points, one is that the number of grooves in the rotor is always less than the groove in the stator and the other point is that the number of poles of the winding rotor is always equal to the number of poles of the winding stator.  The windings in the rotor are generally connected to each other by star connections, and the other three ends are connected to the driver system in a star connection.  It should be noted that motors can be found in the industry where the windings in the rotor are connected to each other in a triangular connection, but the use of this type of connection is rare.\

  Features of Squirrel Cage Asynchronous Motors

1. The construction of this type of motor is not complicated.  

2. The load can be increased in them.  

3. The speed of this type of motors is almost the same as slip ring motors at different loads. 

 4. They have more power than winding motors. 

 5. This type of motor does not need a sub-motor to start and this type of motor can be easily started.

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